I continue with what Sitges left in my mind. Now, the good ones… Come on, they cannot be all jewels, but these are worth it, and a lot:


The good thing about this movie is that it does not pretend to be more than it is: the story of a good man who is forced to go to the extreme to stay alive. The interesting thing is that this extreme can be exceedingly dark. One of my favourites, which you leave happy for not having lost it.


A sensitive and well told character film that occurs at a specific moment in Nancy’s life. She’s a woman who seeks a life she does not have. Excellent performances. Andrea Risemborough shines by playing a broken character who  shows us what is going on inside herself by each gesture.


An Iranian film about a film director’s messes and a psychopath who kills film directors … but him. It’s a very fresh fun black comedy and why not say it, exotic and super crazy.


There always has to be one film that you know, could become a blockbuster. This has it all: a group of teenage girls in the era of social networks, a hacker who gives out all the information of their victims and generates scandal in Salem, how far can society go? It hits even in music, very American style, but with a touch of gore that is cool. I enjoyed it a lot.

The Jewels

Let us agree that to earn the title of “jewel”, a film has to move either aesthetically or through the script. They are some films that do not go out of your head when the lights are on and you leave the room. I start with them:

Shorts, short films

I appreciate having seen the full session of the New Visions shorts, almost all excellent. Here are my favourites:


There are movies that are really  a poem by themselves … or not. Those  you cannot say that are bad … until those 5 minutes arrive leaving them on the ground. Or it may be that the script surprises you, but that it does not finish curdling to consider it really good… You might even understand nothing of what they are showing you. In brief, there are some films that at the end you say: WTF!… Some films like these: